I expect other people to care about things, life and people as much as i do. It leads to disapoinment. I have learnt my lessons from life experiences. I have learnt to accept that other people will not feel things as i do or care as much as i do. It doesn't mean that they are bad people, but when they are such a big part of my life it hurts sometimes.
It can be tiring to change my beleifs and reactions towards things, i can create the illusion of not being upset or disapointed. But over time it dwells on me.
I just can't understand how people can make the choices they do. Have the 'friends' they have. Where have all the genuine people gone? Where has the trust gone? I feel like there is a game going on here. Not a friendly game. It's a game for cheats and manipulators. I choose not to play. I know i made the right choice. Why do people want to be a part of that?
Ignoance is not bliss.